My room is such a fucking mess. I'm a mess yo! Luckily for me and unluckily for my neurosis, I've just discovered Bach Rescue Remedy Pastilles for natural stress relief. Better than the drops, but still hokey. They are unpleasantly sticky and chewy, but they come in a nice tin that would be perfect for storing your drugs in. That is how I plan on using it after I stress-chew my way through the lovely elderflower-flavoured gum-drops. Chew chew chew. Stress stress stress. I don't stress. Let's play games and chew on stress.

I'm so done with American fuckin Apparel right now. I ordered my stuff such a long time ago, but still nothing. I wanted this, this, and this to take as very practical-type garments on my SA trip. I sent them both witty and civil e-mails, still nothing. Civility obviously sucks. Fuck them. Fuck them up their cotton-spandex-sheathed asses.
Do I sound really angry today?
I'm not. Maybe I overdosed on Rescue Pastilles.
Maybe I'm just a bitch!
Heh heh, just kidding. I'm just PMS-y. WOOOO I love me!
yours in uterus-y anguish,
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