What a complicated little title, heh?
Rumor has it I'm a complicated girl. But who cares, right? I mean, really.
I like the things I like because I like funny things.
What will this blog be about?
The ramblings of a freaky bohemian forest girl, perhaps. But quite possibly more than that.
Here is me. I don't know how to make a damn blog, but you'll see, Henry Higgins, you'll see.
Oh my God, how do I make the font stop being blue??? It irks me, Susan!
I think I'm one of those people that is really hard to get to know. I think so, but maybe not. But probably. But maybe not. I guess it takes effort and patience. But maybe not.
I make things. Do things make me? Oh shit! I make cookies. I make parties at my house. My friends broke my bed. I got a new bed. My new bed is too high. I have nightmares of falling off. I can't sleep. I miss my broken bed. I hate my friends. Just kidding. They are magical. Freaks and geeks and funky flailers. I love to wear costumes. I like to draw pictures of transvestites. The transvestites are all named Sheila and Candace. I have never met a transvestite named Sheila, nor Candace. I am young. Well, you are young too. I have an epiphany every two months at least. I sing the blues even when I'm happy. Are you still reading this? Whoa, I like you. I am not weird. You are not weird. No, really, you are weird. I keep to myself. I should floss more. I used to be a vegetarian. Then I ate a chicken. I run away from bears. Bears run away from me. Bears sometimes fall out of the trees and go KTHUNK on the ground. I planted a garden of moss when I was small. My father came home. He told me I shouldn't plant gardens in the middle of the road. I have never broken a bone. My friends say I am a leopard and/or a nightingale.
I like to talk about dirty/weird things, but only if you start it.
I can be shy. I don't know why. No, that's a lie. Do you like pie?
When I laugh really hard, I slap my knee like an old man and I sound like donkeys doing the no-no.
Oh oh oh
fruit flies and apple pies
fake diamonds and silver dollars
minnows and horses
it will be nice.
let's dance.
I love you.
ReplyDeleteI love your blog.
Inspector Clouseau says, "Hewllew, I lek yr minkey."
That means, "Hello, I like your monkey."